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We wish all members, friends and interested persons a megastart into the year 2000!
After severe problems the servers of Strato AG are supposed to be up and running again so applications and e-mails will hopefully be as fast as before...
We wish all members, friends and interested persons a Merry Christmas!
Shop-service updated!
New postcards added!
Extensive postcard-service implemented!
Shortreview on Filmgalerie Sonderheft No. 3 added.
Homepage decorated with christmas motives. Banner for weblinking created. Dates, links and quiz-pages updated.
And we wish all of you a merry christmas season!
New pages with quiz-questions on Alien & Co. added.
Almost all pages overhauled (pictures added!) and minor changes made.
Pages on the Aliens CCG updated and wanted- and offeringlists added.
The American movie-magazine "Variety" has printed interesting news on Terminator 3 + 4. You can find the article here!
Shortreview on the Colonial Marines Technical Manual added.
Page on the Aliens Customisable Card Game added.
According to the magazine PC Action a new product in the Aliens versus Predator range will be released this year. It is unclear, wether it will be a sequel or an add-on to the original game. It will feature new locales like the Nostromo and the subway-system from Predator 2 as well as some new weapons.
Item picture gallery moved.
New item specials created and subitem games added.
Fox Interactive has announced two new CD-Roms. First the arcade-game Alien Resurrection, second a sort of multimedia encyclopedia on Titanic.
Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen (Home Improvement) and Alan Rickman (Robin Hood, Quigley Down Under) star as lead as interstellar crewmembers at war with aliens in the popular TV-series Galaxy Quest as they are abducted by real aliens who believe they are true warriors to rescue their planet... The fun is set to open February 17, 2000. Dean Parisot directed.
Ridley Scotts latest movie Gladiator with Russel Crowe (L.A. Confidential), Joaquin Phoenix and Connie Nielsen is set to open in early summer in the U.S.A. and in Germany on 25.05.2000.
Supposedly Sigournes Weaver will star in the movie-adaption of Michael Crichton's Airframe.
With today's date the editors inform ALL members by massmailing of this internet-presence!
At present we are suffering from e-mail-transfer problems via the mailservers of Strato AG. We apologize for the prolonged mail-delivery times, mainly of those created by CGI-scripts.
After rumours of Strato AG being taken over by another company there seem to be problems with the server-availability, as some of the workers are supposed to be on strike. Mainly suffering from this are the CGI-scripts, with which we offer our member services. Should you encounter problems with this, we ask for a direct e-mail!
Extensive information on these rumours is available on the German pages of the Interessengemeinschaft Stratokunden.
The Medien Publikations- und Werbegesellschaft mbH has released a German magazine called "Filmgalerie Sonderheft No. 3" on the alien-movies at DM 29,80- (in Germany available at every major newsstand...). Beside plot descriptions there a lots of pictures. No crown jewel, but it shows that the alien-series is still popular.
For those who always want to be up-to-date we have implemented a mailinglist.
Preview for the Facehugger #14 added.
Item member services has been expanded with a shop-service.
New item dates added.
After long tests and rivers of sweat we have finally managed to provide a guestbook. We appreciate any comment!
United International Pictures (UIP) has announced that it will distribute Ridley Scott's movie Gladiator. In Rome of 180 b.C. a gladiator wants to overthrow the emperor. Starring among others are Russel Crowe and Ralf Möller. The music is by Hans Zimmer.
For the game Aliens versus Predator a patch, has been released that enables one to save the progress during the game. So a major shortcoming has been remedied!
Our member Sven-Patrick Schymik has suggested that the club should partake in SETI@Home. Please let us know your opinion.
John Hurt can be seen from October 14 in the thriller You Are Dead. Hurt plays a small-time crook who while robbing a bank is being taken hostage by other gangsters.
Bill Paxton can presently be seen in cinemas in Mighty Joe Young.
In den U.S.A. the Alien Legacy DVD-box has been released. The first print had a coupon for a fifth DVD "Making of Alien". Additionally a set of promo-trading-cards. Street day was at the beginning of June. The 2nd print (a week later) probably did not have those bonuses any longer... Offer seems to be valid until September 1, 1999 for the U.S.A. and Canada only.
Supposedly the latest Jerry Cotton collector's issue (Bastei 31922) will feature an Aliens-Cover (Ripley & Newt in the queen-chamber).
New item picture gallery with pictures of the Alien3 Preview-Con added.
Aliens versus Predator, a new game by Fox Interactive is obtained by the editors. It is a fast, bloody ego-shooter in which you take on the role as marine, alien or predator and battle the others while you have to fulfill some objectives. Good 3D-graphics with an atmospharic soundtrack and effects make the game interesting. We'll have to see if it offers long-term motivation...
More here.
We couldn't escape the Star Wars-hysteria and have just watched Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Conclusion: Nice movie with good special effects, but rather unfascinating plot.
All pages changed into SHTML-files. With this the dispay of the date of the last modification has been automated as Server Side Include (SSI).
Layout adapted so that the Microsoft Internet Explorer shows the menu items correctly.
Copyright-notices updated.
The AFC will be present at the Nexus-Convention '99.
The con will run from September 10 through 12 at the Berlin Estrell-Hotel.
Invited are guests from Star Wars, Babylon 5, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager.
We have concluded beta-testing our internet-pages.
Starting today the pages will be registered with the major internet search-engines!
We thank our members Sven-Patrick Schymik, Klaus Triebel and Achim Woellgens for their critiques and ideas!
Copyright-notices added.
Member services with forms added.
About-us-pages redone.
Newsletter with subparagraphs reworked.
Edited pages with our publications.
The AFC has activated their own webdomain!!!
With this we will be better reachable and through the sophisticated possibilities on the servers of the Strato AG we will be able to offer further services like e-Mail-forms, etc.
Furthermore the design of our webpages has been altered drastically. Some minor corrections and changes have also been made
Our e-Mail-adresses have changed as well:
Through our contact-form you can reach us directly by e-mail.
We hope you like our new layout. Please mail us your thoughts!
The links have been reworked again.
The links have somewhat been updated.
Because of continuing planning problems of the editors the FH 14 has been pushed to the end of 1999!
We hope to publish a newsletter before that however...
You can put some pressure on Matthias by mailing him. Unfortunately he checks his mail rather seldomly.
Graphicpages with the indexes of the Facehugger added.
Linkpage updated and smaller changes made.
Because of organizational problems of the editors, the FH 14 will probably be delayed until the first quarter of 1999!